
Face Reader Terminal Installation

When choosing the location of the terminal, care should be taken to select an area with consistent light levels throughout the day and avoid areas where the unit may be subjected to direct bright sunlight. Using the enclosed installation diagram, drill three holes in the wall with the lower hole 1150mm from the floor. If […]

Enrolling an Employee on a Face Reader

Pressing the menu key will initiate the administrator verification process. Anybody who is setup as an administrator can now log in. If you haven’t set any additional administrators up simply type in the user ID 7856 and press OK, when prompted enter the password 7856. If the verification is successful, the terminal will allow access […]

Setting the IP Address on a Face Reader

Pressing the menu key will initiate the administrator verification process. Anybody who is setup as an administrator can now log in. If you haven’t set any additional administrators up simply type in the user ID 7856 and press OK, when prompted enter the password 7856. If the verification is successful, the terminal will allow access […]